State responsibility del en los for casualties of lost opportunities el regimen MILITARY Brasileño: un análisis desde la Demand No. 2007.71.18.001748-1

Tais Ramos, Claudinei Caetano Porto


This paper deals with the state’s responsibility for the missed chances
for the victims of the regime Brazilian Military, considering Lawsuit No. 2007.71.18.001748-1 the Federal Court of Carazinho / RS. Assessing the liability of the Institute of State and the chance of loss of the theory work aims to note that the conditions of possibility of blaming the state for the loss of the chances of the victims. For this, through hypothetical-deductive method, the paper deals with, at
first, the main lines of responsibility of the State in relation to acts of human rights violations in the military regime; per second, examines the state of liability institute, as well as the theory of chance loss. And at the end checks the (im) possibility of liability of the state for lost chances, analyzing Lawsuit No. 2007.71.18.001748-1 the Federal Court of Carazinho / RS in relation theory lost chance.


Liability State; Theory Loss of Chance; Military Regime - Federal Court



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