Social Security in Light of the Theory of the Fundamental Rights: A Right of Legal Personality

Edgar Dener Rodrigues


This article is a study on the theory of Fundamental Rights and the Social Security System currently existing in this country, with the objective to approach the classification of the fundamental rights in its main dimensions and characteristics, assigning Social Security among those named second dimension. This is because the pension system consists in a set of principles that imposes a duty of material rendering to the State in the face of its beneficiaries, when exposed to certain social risks, which subject the person to a situation of social vulnerability. Social Security presents itself, thus as a genuine right of legal personality, for tries to confer means of livelihood upon a human being. Along these lines it tried, from theoretical and legislative research, to identify the concepts of fundamental rights, social security and social risk, combining with its foresight in the legal system, in order to identify the appropriate legal protection that the institute of Social Security must have in light of the theory of fundamental rights.


Fundamental rights, Right of legal personality, Social security, Social risks


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