Post-Modernity and Consumerism in the Globalized World

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Cláudia Maria Moreira Kloper Mendonça


This work is the result of bibliographic research , aiming to address the issues relevant for the understanding of the subject " globalization and consumption front postmodernity ." The postmodern society is a globalized and consumerist society and the individual must be protected since it vulnerable to consumer market dictates in this globalized era . And in this respect , the law comes to the important role of regulating these consumer relations for the protection of vulnerable and hypervulnerable people such as the elderly and children .


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How to Cite
Mendonça, C. M. M. K. (2016). Post-Modernity and Consumerism in the Globalized World. Revista De Direito E Sustentabilidade, 2(1), 259–274.
Author Biography

Cláudia Maria Moreira Kloper Mendonça, Faculdade Flamingo – Flamingo, São Paulo (Brasil)

Mestre pelo Centro Universitário Fieo – Unifieo, São Paulo (Brasil). Professor pela Faculdade Flamingo – Flamingo, São Paulo (Brasil)


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