New Technologies and Protection of Fundamental Rights: Hate Speech in Social Networks

Maria Cristina Cereser Pezzella, Camila Nunes Pannain


This article aims to analyze, under the new technologies that characterize the information society, the freedom of expression and its possible limitations, related to the prohibition of expressions of contempt or intolerance through which a group of people is threatened, insulted or undergoes degrading treatment on account of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc., the so-called hate speech when it occurs on the internet. The deductive method of approach was used, by means of literature, starting from the analysis of the main foundations of freedom of expression and its relationship with hate speech, with the contact point of human dignity, to justify both the warranty as to the restriction of the first. Next, the main features of the information society were exposed, in particular those related to the use of the World Wide Web and the manifestations of hatred perpetrated in this context.


Hate speech, Freedom of expression, Information society


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