Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer


The article aims to speculate about a normative unitary sense adequate to dealing with the pluralism and the complexity of contemporary societies. This is done through a reflection on the contemporary constitutionalism role before the International Human Rights Law. The starting point is a critical analyses on the limits and possibilities of a theory that has constantly fostered and grounded the adjudication function exercise, that is, the value balancing proposed, mainly, through Robert Alexy thesis. Through a discursive (Habermas) and constructive (Dworkin) law perspective, the critical proposal showed in the article aims to advocate the force of the international human rights normative system, even against severe conditions on the ground. This normative force is the key to the reconstruction of the adjudication function legitimacy and a first step to talk about a transnational constitutionalism.


constitutionalism, Human rights, Discursive theory, Pluralism, Judiciary power


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Revista Brasileira de Teoria Constitucional , Florianópolis (SC), e-ISSN: 2525-961X

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