The Land Regularization as Social Inclusion of Instrument and Overcoming Poverty: Case Study of São João da Ponte in Minas Gerais

Ana Caroline Santos Ceolin


This study aims to demonstrate the transformative potential of land regularization, as an important instrument of social inclusion and overcoming poverty, from the case study of the District of São João da Ponte located in the northern region of Minas Gerais and consists of four municipalities with large territory. Through data collected by the extrajudicial Usefulness of Real Estate Registry, widespread property irregularity of that judicial district and its negative impact on the local economy will be demonstrated in the exercise of urban rights of collective and individual nature relevant to the ownership of real estate. By the analysis of the brazilian legislation that deals with it, it can be verified the pratical application of legal instruments aimed at regularization and what are the advances made and the possibilities with the recent regulation of extrajudicial prescription. New perspectives open by the legal provision of prescription that processing directly on Property Records, to make it more feasible to formalize factual situations of physical apprehension about the thing. Thus, the legalization opportunities flare of immovable property in the municipalities of the District of São João da Ponte, which will benefit the urban structure of cities and the local economy. These benefits are possible to the extent that land tenure stands out as an important mechanism for implementation of urban policies and access to credit population, so to promote social and economic inclusion of individuals as a means of overcoming poverty.


Case study of são joão da ponte, Regularization, Extrajudicial adverse possession, Urbanistic policies, Access to credit policies


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