Of the II World War Barbarie Due Legal Process of Nuremberg Trial

José Guilherme Ramos Fernandes Viana, Waleska Cariola Viana


This paper chooses as object of study the Military Criminal Court of Nuremberg, set up to try the perpetrators of the 2nd World War against the sense of international jurisprudence, undeveloped at the time, which did not prescribe a mandatory procedure for punishment of prisoners of war, but their summary executions when captured. After a brief historical approach to the framework of international law and its legacy, the procedure adopted and the limits to the defense of the accused become the focus of the work. In conclusion, we emphasize the importance of the Nuremberg Tribunal under the procedural aspect that assured the accused a process and a defense, which resulted in acquittals and convictions to prison sentences and the preservation of human.


Nuremberg tribunal; Fundamental guarantees; Violations


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2526-0219/2015.v1i1.853


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