Political Exemption in Judicial Decisions in Place of Concentrate Constitutionality Control and its Procedural and Procedure Consequences

Lúcia Dídia Lima Soares


The constitutional jurisdiction, as that expression of the general state jurisdiction, is guided by the same principles of this, although in-depth level. Thus, in terms of constitutional control, impartiality and neutrality of the judge transmuted into political independence, as measure to ensure legitimacy and justice of constitutional fiscalization power. However, some aspects may represent possible points of increasing vulnerability of this principle, especially those related to the decision-making procedure. The objective of this study is to define what are the consequences of such matters in the reaffirmation of the principle of political impartiality in the exercise of concentrated constitutional jurisdiction.


Control of concentrated constitutionality; Political exemption; Procedural and procedural aspects


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2526-0103/2016.v2i1.906


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