Justice in People's hands: A Study About the History, the Etymology and the Motivation of Lynching.

Humberto Ribeiro Júnior, Felipe Machado Veloso


The acts of lynching have gradually gained the cover of periodicals and journals in Brazil, which can be related to the increasing crisis of legitimacy of the State. This makes the population have a disbelief in the institutions of Justice and start to solve their disputes privately. In this context, this essay will study the lynching from its origin in the period of inquisition, the etymology of the word in the American Revolution and its significance, as well as its motivations through history. Thus, it will be evident as this phenomenon is still current, as it continues to occur in our society, even with the existence of legal process. It will be established the main points for an in-depth study on the lynching through a review of bibliography, in addition to the analysis of what can lead people to practice the so-called "private justice".


Lynching;Private justice;Punishment


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26668/IndexLawJournals/2525-9652/2015.v1i1.667

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